For printing

In 2023 the board consisted of: Jasmijn Rana as chair, Nabila Tasneem Anonnya as secretary, Ina Keuper as treasurer, Tine Davids for general affairs, Juliette Roussel for PR. In January Loes Oudenhuijsen formally joined the board as editor-in-chief, replacing Elsa Charléty who had to step down in November 2022 because of health problems. In January Defne Yalman left the board because of other duties, her vacant position for student affairs was left open.

The board had five meetings: March 31, June 6, August 29, September 26, December 12; all meetings were held online except the September meeting which was held in a Utrecht restaurant.

Lova Journal
In the first months of 2023 the editorial board with Loes Oudenhuijsen as chief editor was busy with completing Lova Journal #43. The journal was published in March 2023.

In February 2023 a vacancy was sent by Lova Mail Service for new editors because of the departure of chief editor Elsa Charléty and regular editor Nadira Omarjee. Out of eight applicants three were selected: Hamida Massaquoi, Claire Delhumeau, and Ana Caroline de Assis Nunes. Together with staying editors Lise Zurné and Paula Vermuë they compiled a new issue of our Lova Journal with Loes as editor-in-chief. The new board discussed various themes and schedules for publishing Lova Journal #44. End of March 2023 a call for contributions was sent. Quite some proposals were accepted and most of these were also submitted as a full article. The editors and external reviewers did their work in the autumn and graphic designer Willy Cremers compiled the journal for printing at Printshop FSW of Leiden University. In February 2024 the journal was sent out to members.

Lova Journal #44 contains three essays, four research articles, a book review, reports of Lova activities and Personalia of Lova members. A wide range of topics is discussed in this issue.

To discuss the future of Lova Journal we sent out  an online questionnaire to members to find out their preferences of receiving a hardcopy journal, an online-only journal, or an online-first journal (embargo of one year for non-members). Most of the 27 respondents preferred direct open access and 12 of them asked for continuing receiving hard copies. After discussion about the results of the poll in the General Assembly of September 20, the Lova board decided for direct open access of the journal and that in 2024 a last hard copy will be produced, which will be Lova Journal #45. The journal will continue with digital copies only after this issue.

Lova Events
As mentioned in the previous Annual Report the Lova board organised a public lecture by Anne-Maria Makhulu in cooperation with the Decolonizing Collective and the Anthropology Department of Leiden University. Makhulu’s lecture, titled From Epistemicide to Epistemic Disobedience, was held at Campus The Hague of Leiden University on March 10. A report of the event was published on the Lova website.

On September 20 a Lova Study Day was organised at Leiden University titled Narrative Analysis and Feminist Anthropology – Questions, Possibilities and Challenges. A Tribute to Karin Willemse. Karin Willemse was chair of Lova from 1999 to 2004, she had passed away in March 2023 at the age of 62. Naomi van Stapele presented a keynote lecture about Karin’s approach to ethnographic research and five colleagues and friends of Karin shared anecdotes and memories of their meetings and experiences with Karin Willemse. The lecture of Naomi van Stapele was published in Lova Journal #44 and a report of the whole event was posted on the Lova website. On this date also a General Assembly of Lova members was held.

Lova International Summer/Winter School
In 2023 no Summer or Winter School could be organised. We hope that in the future this event will be possible again.

Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award 2023
This year we had the tenth round of the Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award in 2023. Marina de Regt was willing to organise this activity, like she did in previous rounds. Calls for submissions were sent out by Lova Mail Service in December 2022 and February 2023 to invite students of master’s programmes at Dutch universities to submit their thesis written from a feminist perspective, graded with an 8 or higher, and completed between January 2021 and December 2022.

Eleven theses have been received and the jury formed by Fenneke Reysoo (chair), Lenie Brouwer, and Kim Knibbe selected three winners. On the Lova Study Day of September 20 the award ceremony was held. Benthe Janssen received the first prize, Wilke Geurds was awarded the second prize and Agnese Bardelli won the third prize. A report of the ceremony with short abstracts of the theses was posted on the website; the speech of Marina de Regt at the award ceremony was published in Lova Journal #44.

Lova Mail Service
In 2023 a total of 48 Lova Mail Service messages have been sent to members about various topics: calls for contributing to a journal, conference, symposium and  invitations for events of other organisations (16); messages about Lova events, the Lova Journal, the thesis awards, the survey about the digitalisation of the Lova Journal, and the passing away of a former Lova chair and (12); vacancies at academic institutions (10); and about meetings of the working group Feminist Ethnography in Practice (10).

PR: Website, Facebook, Instagram
This year a lot of work has been done for building a new Lova website. In the spring the visual design was completed by graphic designer Willy Cremers after various rounds of consultations with some board members and technical expert Henk de Vries. The board decided to write Lova or Lova Network in stead of LOVA. Then Henk started to build the website on the WordPress facility and in the autumn board member Ina stepped in to transfer the content of the existing website to the new one. This included making the previous issues of Lova Journal available for open access online. This work was still ongoing at the closing of the year 2023.

Juliette Roussel continued posting news regularly on the current Lova website and on the Facebook page of Lova. At the end of the year the LinkedIn account of Lova was also re-activated.

Contrasting with the previous four years we had a quite a negative revenue balance in 2023. The first explanation for this is the further rise in the costs of the production of Lova Journal: not only rising printing costs of the hard copies but also the expenses for the graphic design we introduced last year. Secondly, in 2023 we paid some scheduled costs of the Lova International Winter School of December 2022 which made that the high positive result (of € 2.095,86) at the end of 2022 for the School was transformed into a final positive result of € 312,00. A further explanation for the big loss in 2023 are the continuing extra expenses for the improvement of the website and the construction of a new one. Last but not least, the slightly diminishing revenues from membership fees contribute to the negative result. However, in 2023 we still had 118 paying members (being 123 in 2022) and some of them also paid delayed fees of previous years. We used the budget of the Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award Fund for donations to and flowers for the winners of the Thesis Award 2023 and book vouchers for the jury members.

See below an overview of the figures.


Membership fees 3.345,00 57,38 3.287,62
LOVA Journal 25,00 2.885,99 -2.860,99
Annual LOVA study day 398,58 -398,58
LOVA ISS – Winter School 2022 350,00 2.133,03 -1.783,03
PR, incl. website and Facebook 886,25 -886,25
Organization costs 260,05 -260,05
SUM 3.720,00 6.621,28 -2.901,28
LOVA Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award 2023 865,85 -865,85
SUM 3.720,00 7.487,13 -3.767,13


CASH AT BANK ACCOUNTS 1-1-2023 31-12-2023 NET
Triodos current account 17.709,17 13.942,04 -3.767,13


OVERVIEW OF FUNDS 1-1-2023 31-12-2023 NET
LOVA regular fund 9.514,14 6.612,86 -2.901,28
LOVA Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award fund 8.195,03 7.329,18 -865,85
SUM 17.709,17 13.942,04 -3.767,13




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