Nov 11, 2023 | Annual Meetings, Events, News
On 20 September 2023 the annual Lova Study Day was organized at Leiden University as a seminar to commemorate Karin Willemse, Lova chair 1999-2004. Karin had passed away in March 2023 at the age of 61 because of illness she had coped with for quite some time. Lova...
Oct 26, 2023 | Events, News, Thesis Award
In a ceremony on the Lova Study Day of September 20, 2023, the tenth Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award 2023 was handed out to the three winners. Organiser Marina de Regt first explained the history of the award and then presented the report of the jury formed by...
Sep 25, 2023 | Annual Reports, News
For printing BoardIn 2022 the board consisted of: Jasmijn Rana as chair; Roxane Kroon as secretary, until she left the board per February; Ina Keuper as treasurer; Tine Davids for general affairs; Juliette Roussel for PR. Three new board members joined: Elsa Charléty...
Apr 26, 2023 | Annual Meetings, Events, News
On 10 March 2023, Anne-Maria Makhulu presented the lecture From Epistemicide to Epistemological Disobedience for which the invitation had been sent out in February. The lecture focused on the importance of citing black women scholars in academic publications. The...