On 17 November 2021 the seminar Who’s Afraid of Feminisms? Decolonizing and Queering Feminist Ethnography will be held, organised by Lova members Tine Davids and Kathrine van den Bogert in cooperation with Jasmijn Rana and Loes Oudenhuijsen.

How do we make decolonizing and queering movements productive within feminist ethnography? Lova Network and its members have a long history of debating and advancing feminist ethnography in- and outside of Dutch and European cultural anthropology departments (i.e. Davids & Willemse 1999, 2014, Nencel 2014, Van Santen et al. 2016). During this study day, we build on this legacy to discuss and further the future of feminist ethnography. We invite you to join us on November 17 at Radboud University Nijmegen, to explore these two specific movements. How do decolonizing and queering practices intersect and reinforce feminist ethnography (i.e. Visweswaran 1994, Weiss 2016)?  Or do they rather deviate from and grind against the philosophies of feminist ethnography? This program presents speakers that engage with these questions from their own practice and experience and discuss them with the audience. Join us!

Venue: Radboud University Nijmegen, Mercatorpad 1, 6625 HS Nijmegen, Rooms CC4 and CC5

Entrance is free, but we appreciate your registration at conference@lova.network.


Opening: Dr. Tine Davids (Radboud University)
Moderator: Roxane Kroon (Utrecht University)

13:45 – 15:15 Session 1: Decolonizing Feminist Ethnography  
Lecture: Dr. Jasmijn Rana (Leiden University)
Discussant: Dr. Kathrine van den Bogert (Radboud University Leiden)

15:15 – 15:45 Coffee/tea break

15:45 – 17:15 Session 2: Queering Feminist Ethnography 
Nika Looman (Ghent University)
Loes Oudenhuijsen (Africa Student Centre, Leiden University)
Sinine Nahkle (University of Amsterdam)

17:15 -18:15 Drinks and General Assembly LOVA Network

* We are aware that Professor Faye Harrison delivers her online inaugural lecture for the  AAA conference at 12:00. We are exploring options to watch this lecture together before the start of the LOVA Study Day. 

** This is an in-person event in which we take all current corona-measures into account

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