On 8-12 July 2013 we had the second Lova International Summer School, this time titled Ethnography of Power – Feminist Anthropology, Gender and Fieldwork. We provided engaged schooling in feminist anthropology, gender and queer studies. Our principle objective was to offer participants to learn from gender scholars about anthropological perspectives on feminist, queer and gender studies in their training in ethnographic research methods. Our ‘hands on’ approach in the lectures, interactive workshops and excursions stimulated critical thinking and discussion with participants and tutors.

The summer school was a unique learning experience where ethnography was taught through practical exercises, in-depth workshops, and lectures about theory and case studies. The tutors were experienced university teachers as well as recently graduated ethnographers. Participants were stimulated to discuss, exchange, and reflect their own research project and ideas.

The school was designed for students (BA, MA, PhD) and life long learners with an interest in anthropology, ethnographic fieldwork and gender studies.

Organising committee
Reinhilde Sotiria König and Natashe Dekker

Optional writing bootcamp
Additional to the Summer School we offered a writing bootcamp from 15-17 July 2013. Under the supervision of a professional students learned how to write better, faster and with pleasure within the parameters of academic requirements. The writing bootcamp was also open for non-participants of the Summer School. A separate fee was asked for this event.   

The programme

Maria José de Abreu (University of Amsterdam/Humboldt University Berlin) Anthropologist unchained: Power blackout in the body field
Tine Davids (Radboud University Nijmegen) The power of vulnerability in feminist ethnography
Stefania Donzelli (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Research, activism and the subject-object divide: Reflections from the struggle of the mothers and families of disappeared Tunisian migrants
Reinhilde Sotiria König (Director LOVA International Summer School) Power and ethnography: Gender, feminist anthropology and fieldwork
Naomi van Stapele (University of Amsterdam) Gangs and the arts of making men in a Nairobi ghetto
Karin Willemse (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Reading ‘narratives of self’ against the grain: Reflections on the epistemological, methodological and analytical value of ‘silence’ in anthropological research
Ruben de Boer (Formaat) Exploring power through personal narratives: An introduction to the theatre of the oppressed
Stefania Donzelli (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) Gender, violence and discourse analysis: Deconstructing the rape culture
Marie-Louise Janssen (University of Amsterdam) Sex and power in research on prostitution
Nienke Muurling (University of Amsterdam) Ethnographic writing: Academic skills
Domitilla Olivieri (Utrecht University) To solicit a new seeing: A feminist perspective on rhythm and (in)visibility in anthropological documentary film
Lilith Turk (Yoga teacher, Active Health Centre, Amsterdam) Strength stretch
Annelou Ypeij (Centrum for Latin American Studies, CEDLA) Mime workshop
Marie-Louise Janssen (University of Amsterdam) Power and Prostitution: Deconstructing the whore stigma. Walk on the Red Light District Amsterdam, called ‘the Wallen’
Carola Lammers (Anthropologist, teacher cross cultural communication, and tour guide. Co-Director LOVA ISS) Reading Rembrandt. Walk in the Rijksmuseum

Practical matters 

Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the University Amsterdam.
Tuition Fees
€315 for LOVA members and early birds (before 15 March)
€345 for regular applicants
€400 for professionals
Note: extra administration fee of 15
Number of paying participants
15; from the Netherlands (9, one from Colombia originally), Finland, Germany, Hong Kong China, Mexico, Nepal, Sri Lanka.

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