From 15 to 18 December 2022, Lova was having its second Winter School on Motherhoods and Feminisms (poster). The four-day event was organised by Irene Arends (UvA), Emmy De Wit (VU), and Joke Struyf (University of Antwerp). Intended for an international audience, the nineteen participants originated from the Netherlands and from countries like Serbia, Mexico, Germany, Denmark, Venezuela, India, Japan, the USA, and more. Two of them brought their children to some of the lectures, which was embraced by the other participants. We were warmly welcomed at the IIRE Conference Centre in the Amsterdam neighbourhood of Zeeburg and went every day for a healthy and copious lunch at the nearby café Chantilly.

The schedule was executed largely according to the plan although some speakers had to join us online instead of live due to illness and train issues. The experience with hybrid lectures during the previous Winter School helped to ensure that these lectures were almost as interactive as the live ones. Amongst the speakers were LOVA members Tine Davids and Catrien Notermans; Canadian Cree ethicist Kathy Walker; Rodante van der Waal and Noëmi Willemen of the Critical Midwifery Studies Collective; Belgium researchers Amal Miri and Michiel De Proost; and independent scholar Cynthia Dorrestijn. The speakers covered topics such as matricentric feminism; intensive motherhood; the politicization of motherhood; migrant mothers; anti-racist parenting; indigenous ethics of care; the postpartum period; social egg freezing; revolutionary mothering; non-human motherhoods and the pregnant post-human. In addition, Juel McNeilly facilitated a movement workshop that touched the participants in many ways.

In Lova Journal 43 two participants published their experiences.

LOVA Winter School 2022-01

On the first day, during our “unconference”, there was a session in which the body and movement stood central in exploring certain questions and knowledges.

LOVA Winter School 2022-02

Tine Davids speaking on the politicization of motherhood “between tradition and resistance” on the second day of the Winter School.


LOVA Winter School 2022-03

On this “inspiration wall” everyone could add poetry, books, paintings, memes, films, or any other creative expressions considered inspiring.

LOVA Winter School 2022-04

Participants together

OVA Winter School 2022-05

All participants and speakers received a chocolate bar wrapped with the Winter School poster design as a thank you.


LOVA Winter School 2022

Enjoying good lunches together was important for all participants

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