In July 2017 the Lova, the Netherlands Association for Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology, and the Marjan Rens Foundation will award the seventh Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award. This award is for the best master’s thesis in the field of women’s and gender studies in anthropology in the Netherlands. The award consists of 500 euro. The three nominated award winners will be announced soon. The jury consisted of José van Santen, Marion den Uyl and Reinhilde Konig.

Below we present the 10 submissions.

1. Afiah Vijlbrief (Sociology, VU)
Genderfluidity: A qualitative study on the gender identity of the Amsterdam Genderfluids

2. Yvonne van der Kooij (International Development, UvA)
Early Marriage in West Java – Understanding girls’agency in the context of ‘traditional’ and changing norms regarding gender and sexuality

3. Dide van Eck (Public Administration and Organizational Science, UU):
Everybody knows about Fat? Exploring strategies of fat citizens

4. Tarini Shipurkar (Cultural Anthropology, Leiden)
Gender on Campus – Redefining gender identities at Jawaharlal Nehru University

5. Belén Gianquinta (Human Rights, Gender and Conflict Studies, ISS)
Silenced Subjectivities and Misrepresentations – Exposing the contradictions of the international child marriage discourse

6. Sofie Degenaar (Cultural Anthropology, VU)
In Pursuit of Beauty – Towards an understanding of young women’s aspirations in Tehran

7. Kayleygh Tervooren (Gender Studies, UU)
Representing Women and Terrorist Violence – A feminist interrogation of female agency in the gendered discourse of the public

8. Menal Ahmad (Cultural Anthropology, UU)
The Fight – An ethnographic study on the relationship between gender, martial arts, and Iranian women’s citizenship

9. Nisrine Chaer (Gender and Ethnicity, UU)
Sensing Meem Space(s): Queer activism in Beirut and the potentials of affect

10. Melissa Chacón (Gender Studies, UU)
Displaced Affects – Emotional embodied experiences of displaced women in Colombia

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