From 30 June to 4 July 2014 we had the the third Lova International Summer School, with the theme Body Work(s) – Presenting Fieldwork in Feminist Anthropology. Through ‘learning by doing’ we created an academic platform for participants to dive into methodological training and submerging ourself in the methods and conduct of ethnographic field research. We discussed ethnographic ‘tools’ within the parameters of queer, gender and feminist anthropology.

Topics were: the ‘slut walk’ in Brazil; the representation of the body in anthropology; sexualised and racialised bodies of sex workers; transgender and intersexuality; the body at the end of life; and the body of the researcher. We explored various research methods such as focus groups, discourse analysis, and the art of the creative analytic process. We practiced ‘feelings’ and the senses in a theatre workshop, in a vocal coaching session, and in a therapeutic stretching. So we provided students and tutors with an arena for learning through experience and experimentation.

We worked with interactive methods and embraced a ‘hands on’ working approach; small field trips/excursions were therefore an intrinsic part of the program. All of the exercises, lectures and workshops were meant to assist participants to focus on their own projects and their bodies for improving their presentation skills. We used anti-hierarchical structures and invited newly graduated students to teach next to professors.

The school was designed for students (BA, MA, PhD) and life long learners with an interest in anthropology, ethnographic fieldwork and gender studies.

Organising committee
Directors: Reinhilde Sotiria König, Carola Lammers, and Rianne Ridder
Chair LOVA: Marina de Regt

Additional writing bootcamp
Additional to the Summer School we offered a writing bootcamp from 7-8 July 2014. Under the supervision of a professional students learned how to write better, faster and with pleasure within the parameters of academic requirements. The writing bootcamp was also open for non-participants of the Summer School. A separate fee was asked for this event.

The programme

Sylvia Holla (University of Amsterdam) Beauty work and body work. Aesthetic labour practices and accounting for the self
Naomi van Stapele (University of Amsterdam) Young, male gang members in Nairobi: Fashioning access through styling the body
Marthe de Win (University of Amsterdam) Maintaining a coherent sense of self when facing radical discontinuity of the body: Narrative identity work at the end of life
Noortje van Amsterdam (Utrecht University) Embodied writing: Exploring the added value of stories, poetry and other forms as academic practices
Erik Bähre (Leiden Universit) The body is mine: Political protest and beauty dictatorship in Brasila’s slut walk
Casey Butler-Camp (University of Amsterdam) Queer(ing) ethnographies, doing things differently: A queer ethnographic collaboration of performers in Amsterdam’s queer spaces
Margriet van Heesch (University of Amsterdam) X & Y sex and science: An ethnography of the intersexed body in the Netherlands
Marie-Louise Janssen (University of Amsterdam) Doing ethnographic research on sexualized and racialized bodies
Joyce Pijnenburg (University of Amsterdam): Penelope, Calypso, Diotima and the various faces of desire: Why women should be objects
Julienne Weegels (AISSR/CEDLA) Focus groups and group dynamics: Observing bodies in restricted environments
Body Workshops
Mick Sarria (Theatre maker) Physical Theatre
Marianne Selleger (Vocal coach, Opera singer) Vocal coaching and singing lessons: The body as your instrument of presentation
Lilith Turk (Yoga teacher, Active Health Centre Amsterdam) The body in movement: Therapeutic stretching
Marie-Louise Janssen (University of Amsterdam) Walk in the Red Light District
Carola Lammers (Anthropologist, teacher cross cultural communication, and tour guide) Guided tour ‘Bodily Expression’ at Van Gogh Museum
Marthe de Win (University of Amsterdam)  Guided tour at graveyard Museum ‘Tot Zover’

Practical matters

The Venue
Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the University of Amsterdam located in the Spinhuis building.
Tuition fee
€315 for students
€395 for professionals / institutions
Note: extra administration fee 15
Number of paying participants
12; from the Netherlands (6), Canada, Germany (3), Portugal, Spain.

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