Feb 25, 2016 | Journal, News, Publications
In February 2016 we published Lova Journal #36 of December 2015. The graphic design was renewed again. Table of...
Mar 2, 2015 | Blog, News, Publications
By Jelle Wiering Hello everyone. As of January I am PhD student working for Groningen University. I participate in Kim Knibbe’s project about sexuality, religion, and secularism, and I consider myself lucky to work in this project that is – in my understanding – both...
Feb 13, 2015 | Journal, News, Publications
Late January 2015 Lova Journal #35 of December 2014 was published with a new graphic design, initiated by the new editor-in-chief Silvia Herrero Simancas. It is a special anniversary edition (35th volume!) on “Ethnographies of Gender and the Body” with...
Nov 20, 2014 | Blog, News, Publications
By Annemiek Richters* Book review of Georg Frerks, Annelou Ypeij, Reinhilde Sotiria König, eds. (2014) Gender and Conflict: Embodiments, discourses and and symbolic practices. Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey, England. Published in the book series Gender in a Global/Local...
Nov 1, 2014 | News, Publications
We are very proud to announce the publication of edited volume Gender and Conflict: Embodiments, discourses and symbolic practices, based on a selected number of papers from the second International Lova conference “Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict”....