Blog – Keulen: een goed begin? [Dutch]

By Marina de Regt and Reinhilde Sotiria König De discussie over de gebeurtenissen in Keulen (op Oudjaarsavond 2015) doet ons als feministen diep zuchten. Het debat rond seksueel geweld wordt al jaren gekaapt door rechtse politici en liberale onruststokers. Sinds de...

Blog – Sexuality, Religion and Secularism

By Jelle Wiering Hello everyone. As of January I am PhD student working for Groningen University. I participate in Kim Knibbe’s project about sexuality, religion, and secularism, and I consider myself lucky to work in this project that is – in my understanding – both...
Lova Journal #35

Lova Journal #35

Late January 2015 Lova Journal #35 of December 2014 was published with a new graphic design, initiated by the new editor-in-chief Silvia Herrero Simancas. It is a special anniversary edition (35th volume!) on “Ethnographies of Gender and the Body” with...

Lova International Conference 2011- Book publication

We are very proud to announce the publication of edited volume Gender and Conflict: Embodiments, discourses and symbolic practices, based on a selected number of papers from the second International Lova conference “Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict”....
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