Mar 14, 2019 | Events, News, Thesis Award
Below we present the 13 submissions 1. Loes Oudenhuijsen (Leiden University)’You Have to Know How to Play, Otherwise They Will Catch You’ Young Women and the Navigation of Same-Sex Intimacies in Contemporary Urban Senegal 2. Alexandra Rodriguez (University of...
Jan 21, 2019 | Events, News, Thesis Award
In 2019 Lova will award the eighth Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award. This award is for the best master’s thesis in the field of women’s and gender studies in anthropology in the Netherlands. The award consists of 500 euro. The three nominated...
Jul 13, 2017 | Events, News, Thesis Award
On 7 July 2017, we announced the winner of the seventh Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award. The award ceremony took place during during the Lova International Conference at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The jury consisted of José van Santen, Marion den Uyl and...
Mar 5, 2017 | Events, News, Thesis Award
In July 2017 the Lova, the Netherlands Association for Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology, and the Marjan Rens Foundation will award the seventh Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award. This award is for the best master’s thesis in the field of...
Jul 11, 2015 | Events, News, Thesis Award
On 5 June 2015, the sixth Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award was handed out in a ceremony at Leiden University at the end of the annual Lova Study Day. The Study Day was dedicated to the farewell of José van Santen, one of the founding mothers of Lova, from the...
Jul 11, 2013 | Events, News, Thesis Award
On 13 June 2013, the prizes of the fifth Lova Marjan Rens Master’s Thesis Award were handed out in a ceremony at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam at the end of the annual Lova Study Day. In the picture above prize winners Natashe Lemos Dekker and Ilona Hartlief are...