Lova Study Day 2023 – Report

Lova Study Day 2023 – Report

On 20 September 2023 the annual Lova Study Day was organized at Leiden University as a seminar to commemorate Karin Willemse, Lova chair 1999-2004. Karin had passed away in March 2023 at the age of 61 because of illness she had coped with for quite some time. Lova...
Lova lecture 2023 by Makhulu – Report

Lova lecture 2023 by Makhulu – Report

On 10 March 2023, Anne-Maria Makhulu presented the lecture From Epistemicide to Epistemological Disobedience for which the invitation had been sent out in February. The lecture focused on the importance of citing black women scholars in academic publications. The...
Lova lecture 2023 by Makhulu – Invitation

Lova lecture 2023 by Makhulu – Invitation

On 10 March 2023, 15:00-16:00 hrs, Anna-Maria Makhulu will talk about epistemic issues in decolonial and feminist anthropology. The lecture is co-organised by Lova, The Decolonizing Collective of Leiden University and the Department of Cultural Anthropology of the...

Lova Student’s Day July 2022 – Invitation

On 13 July 2022 Lova will have a Lova Student’s Day as an informal event aimed to bring together scholars and students from (or with an interest in) anthropology and gender studies. Topics of discussion may include activism, embodiment, queerness, knowledge...

Lova Study Day 2021 – Invitation

On 17 November 2021 the seminar Who’s Afraid of Feminisms? Decolonizing and Queering Feminist Ethnography will be held, organised by Lova members Tine Davids and Kathrine van den Bogert in cooperation with Jasmijn Rana and Loes Oudenhuijsen. How do we make...

Lova Webinar 2021 – Invitation

Lova’s Working Group Safety in the Field is inviting you for a two-part non-prep webinar Harassment in the field to reflect on the impact of (sexual) harassment and intimidation in the field, both for us as ethnographers and for the practice of ethnography. During our...
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