Lova PhD Speed Date on 9 March 2019 – Invitation

You are cordially invited to the PhD Speed date and borrel organized by LOVA network and Djembé, the  student association from Department of Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University. Have you always wanted to know more about doing a PhD with a gender sensitive...

Lova International Summer School 2018 – Report

On 2-6 July 2018 the sixth Lova International Summer School was organised centred on a new central theme: Unschooling the Anthropologist. Unschooling is seen as a philosophy or educational attitude that promotes self-directed learning, as well as the acquiring of...
Lova Study Day 2018 – Report

Lova Study Day 2018 – Report

On Friday, June 15, 2018, the annual Lova Study Day was held at Radboud University Nijmegen. Catrien Notermans and Anke Tonnaer of the Anthropology Department of this university had organised an international workshop about Gender and Nature. Prof. Veronica Strang of...
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