Jul 20, 2020 | Events, News, Photo Competition
The jury of Lova Photo Competition 2020 consisting of organizer and chair Mara Lin Visser, and members Laisa Maria, Julia Chanda Zvobgo, and Claire Bontje, presented their report on 2 July 2020. This round’s theme of the competition was Gender in turbulent...
May 25, 2020 | Annual Meetings, Events, News
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual Lova Study Day 2020 is replaced by a webinar on the afternoon of June 19. Lova members Janne Heederik and Lise Zurné initiated this workshop to call attention to more awareness and preparation of Master’s and PhD...
Apr 13, 2020 | Events, News, Photo Competition
Lova’s third biennial photo competition is focused on the theme Gender in turbulent times. Image has the power to connect people, especially in times of crisis. So, despite the cancellation of Lova’s Fifth International Conference of 2020 due to the current corona...
Mar 3, 2020 | Conferences, Events, News
Due to the Corona circumstances, the conference has been cancelled The Fifth International Conference of LOVA will focus on gender and (digital) technology. The idea that technology is neutral persists, even after decades of activism exposing male bias in...
Jan 6, 2020 | Annual Meetings, Events, News
Dogs play important and unique roles in the lives of humans, and vice versa. These intimate human-canine bonds date back centuries and are dynamic through time and place. Fascinated by the contemporary phenomenon of dogs as family members in our own intimate circle...
Oct 1, 2019 | Events, News, Summer school
On 1-5 July 2019 we had the seventh Lova International Summer School. Because of the positive response to theme of the 2018 School we focused again on Unschooling the Anthropologist, this time with a special focus on Gender, Love and Sexuality (poster). Unschooling is...