Since 2016, a Lova committee organises biennially a visual competition focused on a specific theme in line with Lova’s mission to enhance feminist anthropology and gender studies. For its 3rd edition, Lova is working together with ethnovision, a collective of visual anthropologists, and has opened up its former photo competition to include different multimodal formats such as photos, illustrations, short videos, and animations. For this edition, Lova is inspired by the ongoing effects of the 2017 #MeToo movement. Recent events indicate the movement is far from over: in the last months, a prominent professor of anthropology has been placed on unpaid administrative leave following a university investigation, and we have witnessed the shocking revelations of Dutch YouTube channel #Boos in which women testified about the abuse of power in a flagship talent show, and also our own Lova Journal #42 will feature authors who reflect upon their experience with sexual harassment during fieldwork. As we aim to continue the conversation around this topic, the theme of this year’s Multimodal Competition is Shame & Power.

Images have the power to confront, inspire and mobilize us when exposing inequality, misconduct, and injustice. They may produce a wide array of emotions: while some force us to look and respond, others may be triggering, humiliating and paralyzing to the extent that we rather look away. Building on the theme of the LOVA journal #42, we invite all artists to reflect upon the role of shame and power in our own lives and society as a whole.

We invite artists to submit their work to our multimodal competition. Winning submissions will be selected by our jury of experts in the field of visual anthropology. These winners will receive a two-year LOVA membership, an additional prize and a feature in the next edition of our journal.

How does it work? 

  • Send your work to: before May 15, 2022.
    Later added: EXTENDED TO THE 30TH OF MAY
  • All submissions must be accompanied by a short explanation including the context of the work, your name and additional background information (max. 300 words).

Technical requirements

  • Maximum of 3 submissions per participant
  • Video submissions should be no longer than 1 minute
  • Photo submissions should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi or 2 MB
  • You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright for all works submitted.
  • You will retain the copyright of your entries at all times and will always be credited alongside your picture.
  • By entering your images into the competition, you grant permission to Lova exclusive license to reproduce and publish the images in the Lova Journal, on social media, and on the Lova website. Please write in your mail: ‘I transfer usage rights to Lova’, so Lova can publish your work on its website, in the journal and on its social media channels.
  • If your image features a person or several people, they should be aware that they are being featured and permission should be obtained from all involved (or their parent’s/guardian’s permission if aged under 16).
  • By submitting/uploading, the participant declares to have the copyrights that rest on the images. The participant will indemnify LOVA against all claims from third parties related to the exploitation of the submitted photo(s).
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