On 13 July 2022 Lova will have a Lova Student’s Day as an informal event aimed to bring together scholars and students from (or with an interest in) anthropology and gender studies. Topics of discussion may include activism, embodiment, queerness, knowledge production, social justice, disability, neurodiversity, sexual/epistemic violence, feminist theory and more.

Are you a master’s or bachelor’s student, or a  recent graduate, and eager to share your project results or discuss issues dear to you with the Lova Network on the Study Day 2022? We welcome oral presentations ( of approximately 15 minutes), roundtables as well as poster presentations, film, photography projects and other creative formats!  

We prefer to have face-to-face presentations, but hybrid modes for the presentations can be made possible. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions including your name, the name of your (former) education program and university, a title and an abstract of 250 words before 1 of July 2022, 18:00 to conference@lova.network.  

Join us for a day of inspiration and let us close the academic year of 2021-2022 together with this special event!


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