Lova International Summer School 2015 – Report

On 17-21 August 2015 the fourth Lova International Summer School was held. This year the focus was on Art in Anthropology – Ethnographies on the Move of People in Queer, Gender and Feminist Studies. We tried to combine the way anthropologists deal with ‘on the...

Blog – Sexuality, Religion and Secularism

By Jelle Wiering Hello everyone. As of January I am PhD student working for Groningen University. I participate in Kim Knibbe’s project about sexuality, religion, and secularism, and I consider myself lucky to work in this project that is – in my understanding – both...
Lova Journal #35

Lova Journal #35

Late January 2015 Lova Journal #35 of December 2014 was published with a new graphic design, initiated by the new editor-in-chief Silvia Herrero Simancas. It is a special anniversary edition (35th volume!) on “Ethnographies of Gender and the Body” with...
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