Lova members at the honorary membership award of November 2022
Lova Honorary Members
Lova has appointed eight (so far) Dutch feminist anthropologists as honorary members because of their outstanding scholarly contribution to feminist anthropology in the Netherlands and abroad and/or their role in the development of Lova as a network and association.
Cora Vreede-de Stuers (1909-2002), honorary membership awarded in December 1998 at the 100 Years of Anthropology in the Netherlands Meeting of the Dutch Association of Anthropologists in Amsterdam.
Information about Cora in Dutch: ‘Speldenprikje LOVA erelid: Cora Vreede-de Stuers (1909-2002) Feministisch antropologe avant la lettre’ by Joke Schrijvers, published in LOVA Tijdschrift 30 (2009), 2 (November), p. 8-10
Joke Schrijvers, honorary membership awarded in June 2002 at the celebration of Joke’s retirement at INDRA (Institute for Development Research Amsterdam) of University of Amsterdam.
Information about Joke in Dutch: ‘Speldenprikje LOVA erelid Joke Schrijvers’ by Karin Willemse, published in LOVA Tijdschrift 30 (2009), 2 (November), p. 11-15
José van Santen, honorary membership awarded in June 2004, at the LOVA Study Day celebrating 25 years of Lova’s existence.
Information about José in Dutch: ‘Speldenprikje LOVA erelid, Founding Mother of LOVA’ by Gerdien Steenbeek, published in LOVA Tijdschrift 30 (2009), 2 (November), p. 3-7.
Willy Jansen, honorary membership awarded in July 2011, at the closing session of the second International LOVA Conference, at CEDLA (Centre for Studies and Documentation on Latin America) of University of Amsterdam.
Information about Willy in Dutch: ‘Een nieuw erelid van LOVA: Prof.dr. Willy Jansen’ by Marina de Regt, published in LOVA Tijdschrift 32 (2011), 1/2 (December), p. 10-11.
Marion den Uyl, honorary membership awarded in September 2012, at the seminar for the retirement of Marion at the Anthropology Department of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Information about Marion in Dutch by Marina de Regt was written for the Lova website.
Annelou Ypeij and Gerdien Steenbeek, honorary membership awarded in November 2022, at the seminar for the retirement of Gerdien at the Anthropology Department of Utrecht University.
A report of the award ceremony by Ina Keuper can be read on this website.
Futher articles about Annelou and Gerdien were published in LOVA Journal 43 (2022, December), p. 145-153.
Lorraine Nencel, honorary membership awarded in June 2024, at the seminar for the retirement of Lorraine at the Sociology Department of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
A report of the award ceremony by Ina Keuper was written for the Lova website.
The text of Lorraine’s keynote speech and the speech of Tine Davids at the awarding ceremony will be published in the next issue of Lova Journal.