Senegalese women watering their field
Feminist Ethnography in Practice (FEIP)
Do you want to workshop your research ideas in an informal, online setting? “Feminist Ethnography in Practice” (FEIP) is a Lova Working Group that meets online each first Friday of the month. FEIP is an informal platform dedicated to demystify research practices and solidify connections with other feminist ethnographers.
This group is for you if you:
– Would like to brainstorm, share or present research ideas;
– Would like to receive feedback on grant proposals, a conference paper or draft article;
– Would like to workshop data you have collected or are analyzing;
– Would like to think through an ethical dilemma, fieldwork preparation, or navigating fieldwork emotions/burnout with others;
– Would like to workshop un/successful publication strategies, rejections and success stories.
We invite you to present any topic related to feminist ethnography or feminist anthropology at whichever stage of your research (preparation, data collection, analysis, writing, etc). We warmly welcome folks in the early stages of their careers ((potential) PhD candidates, Postdocs and Assistant Professors) to use this space. At the same time, we also welcome the sessions to more established colleagues so we can cultivate an environment of intergenerational feminist learning.
We meet every first Friday of the month from 8.00-9.30 PM CET / 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM PST. Sessions are 90 minutes. We will try to aim for two presenters per session, so there is ample time for feedback and discussion after each presentation.
After a brief introduction by the organizers (5-10 minutes), the first presenter shares their data, story or dilemma (10-15 minutes), followed by a feedback /Q&A session (20 minutes), and a short break (10 minutes). After the break, we continue the cycle with a second presenter.
If you are interested in joining us, either as presenter or listener, please send a message to info@lovanetwork.org, and we will include you in the FEIP listserv.
Ine Beljaars (University of British Colombia, Canada)
Jasmijn Rana (Leiden University, the Netherlands)